Wednesday, September 30, 2009

15 weeks

I am now 15 weeks pregnant! Our little bub is now the size of a naval orange and is looking more and more like a little person. This week the baby is working on forming all its joints.... let's hope that they work better than mine! Once all the joints are formed baby will be wiggling and squirming like crazy!

At this point, you may be wondering why I already have such a bump. I am not over eating, I promise! And I still fit into my pants! I just think that since my torso is so short, the baby and its home (the uterus) have nowhere else to go but out! Don't get me wrong, I love having a belly... just don't judge me for it!


Kathy Smith said...

Kelly - you are so funny!! We miss you and Tyler. Love seeing the pictures of you. Did the earthquake down that way affect your area in anyway? XO

Kelly Smith said...

We miss you too! I am glad you are enjoying seeing pictures of me... and no, the earthquake has not affected anything yet. Thanks for the comments!

Lindsay said...

Kelly, you are so cute! Can't wait to see you guys and meet that little person. Love you.

Caleigh said...

You are right, Kelly. For us short people the only way to go is out. I love seeing your belly! And I love getting my weekly baby development notices. Your bub is very busy growing and developing. Lots of changes in a short time.

Joyful Momma said...

You crack me up! I had a bump at 15 weeks too...and I was quite proud of it :) You look so beautiful. I love pregnancy curves....makes me want to have another baby right now!! Love you guys!

Erin Hould said...

Kelly, We LOVE your bump!! I think if you are pregnanat you might as well look it! And you are BEAUTIFUL! Love you guys! I still am waiting on an address so i can get something to you! Love you both!

meghanthemoose said...

Ha! No judgment here...your bump is so cute and exciting! Love ya!