My mom was never sick, my sister-in-laws were never sick... I was not sick with my first pregnancy... so I never even considered the thought of feeling sick during pregnancy. It all started around week 5 or 6, I would crave something make it and then think "I can never eat that again in my entire life". One week I ate an entire jar of pickles... now the thought of them makes me gag. This went on until I ran out of meals to make. The smell of anything cooking made me sick. Food on commercials made me sick. The thought of any veggies, meat, cooked pasta, rice, or cooked anything made feel like I was going to die. I would lay in bed trying not to barf all day and night. It was torture. I have never felt so sick in my entire life. I could safely eat bread, bananas, apples, kiwis, and popsicles. I am only a little nauseous now, and have incorporated some new food groups. I could not have made it though this time without Tyler, feeding me breakfast in bed, checking on me at lunch, doing the shopping, cleaning and being patient with me (because I could not have him cooking or eating anything that made me sick).
I love the picture of you with the pickle jar. Very funny blog entry.
oh boy, do I remember that. The only thing I could stand was lemons and Kix cereal. I hope you get to feeling better soon. And as far as the stange pickle thing....I loved to eat cheetos and marshmallows at the same time my whole pregnancy...maybe that explains the 36 lbs :)
OH yes...the joys of morning sickness are coming back all to clearly after reading this post...ugh! There was a time when pizza subs from Subway were the only thing I could stomach...so very weird how our bodies change...Keep keeping us updated!! How far along are you now? Have you been to the doc? had an ultrasound?
Lexi, the cheetos and marshmallows idea doesn't sound half bad. Unfortunately the only cheetos they sell here are "bacon flavored", and the marshmallows they sell here are a disgrace (no jet-puff).
Pickles are so the quintessential pregnant woman food. You're funny.
And your guess was right - bike, basket, books/flowers
Congrats Kelly!
Trust me, around weeks 12-14 you will start to feel like a whole new person!
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