Thursday, October 1, 2009

the irish nun

So last weekend at church Tyler was approached by an Irish nun. She suggested to him that he could not be a day over 18. Tyler laughed and told her that he was 25. I had been walking to our seat, when I looked back and saw that Tyler had been stopped. As I walked back to them, she looked at me and said, "are you guys together or..." I interrupted telling her that we were married with a b... but before I could finish my sentence she was already telling him "I bet she is a good wife, but tough as nails when she needs to be". We walked away giggling as we found our seat. A few moments later, she found us and sat right next to Tyler. She was so funny... talking to Tyler throughout the mass... telling him all about the priest... letting him know when the priest forgot to say something.... the best part was after the Our Father when she shook his hand and said "peace be with you handsome". We will never forget the funny Irish nun that sat with us at mass in Australia.


Lindsay said...

Ohhh boy! I laughed so hard I cried. Can't wait for mom to read this one. My brother, the baby-faced nun charmer. LOL.

Caleigh said...

Yep, that nun was after Tyler alright. Kelly, you better keep your eyes on him at Mass. However, I bet he can protect himself by wearing the glasses he has on in the picture.

Kathy Smith said...

Well, my goodness... I am in full agreement with Mary that the glasses are a good deterrent (or at least should be). But assuming that Tyler has enough sense to NOT where those glasses out in public, I can see where he could be quite charming to a nun or numerous others when or if he wanted to be. It reminds me of when he was little and doing his first communion. He had no problems addressing the congregation, reading or participating - which for those of us who know Tyler can seem surprising. He has the ability to turn it on or turn it off. I am pleased that the Irish nun found him charming. I think it is a good sign. Was she an elderly nun? I have her pictured that way in my mind -- don't spoil it for me! :)

Tyler Smith said...

A. I know what your thinking, aren't cougars native to North America? Well, actually no they have also been found in Ireland and were subsequently introduced to Australia by missionaries.

B. I will have you know that the last time I wore those glasses I was in public, and I saw no fewer than 100 other people styling them as well.

C. I think I will take my glasses fashion advice from someone who didn't pick out a pair that covered the majority of their cheek with lovely plastic rims.

D. She was not elderly. She was distinguished.

Point and counterpoint.

Kathy Smith said...

Good points, however, if you are referring to MY choice of glasses, I hardly see much difference if you are thinking those you displayed in the picture are much better. In fact, it would seem you did take your fashion advice from me. Nevertheless, I now have a picture of a distinguished elderly Irish cougar ready to pounce on you while you are seeking salvation wearing those sexy glasses in a group of about 100 others who probably all look similar to you. You know how my mind wanders . . . At any rate, you are a class Act!!!

meghanthemoose said...

Haha! That is exactly why I tend to avoid church...too much shenanigans! Or maybe I should start going to church for that matter. ha! :)

Caleigh said...

Tyler, you are hilarious. Your response made me laugh out loud in my office. I also enjoyed Kathy's responses.