Tuesday, September 8, 2009


If you want to put a big smile on your face, I suggest that you watch this video we made for you. It works best if you can make it full screen (click the second button from the right at the bottom of the video) and high quality (click the third button from the right at the bottom on the video). We will post more on the subject within the next few days!!!

song: Blessed by Brett Dennen
idea stater: Melanie Blodgett (check out youaremyfave.com for more inspiration)


Caleigh said...

What a great video! It did put a smile on my face, but there were big tears rolling down my face, too. Congratulations!
You are blessed, we are blessed, and the baby is blessed, too.

Sara said...

Congrats Kelly! I am so happy for you guys!!!

You Are My Fave said...

Hip, hip hooray!

Kathy Smith said...

CRIKEY!!! WHIZ-BANG!!!!! TOOOOO CUTE!!! I just knew there would be an Aussie baby!!! Love you both!!

Joyful Momma said...

YIPPEE!! I have been waiting and waiting to hear this news from you guys! When are you coming back?

Mr. and Mrs. Lilley said...

CONGRATS to you both! :) VERY excited for you... I hope you are (and continue) to feel well thru the pregnancy!

Jamie said...

Kelly and Tyler,
Adam and I are so excited for you both! What great news!! That baby is truly blessed, you will be wonderful parents! Kelly I hope you are feeling well...and prayers will be sent daily for you both as you prepare for parenthood!