Sunday, May 16, 2010

packing, cleaning and coffee with mates

We spent most of our day today packing and cleaning. We each have one bag plus the pack n play... and that is it. I am still amazed at how we managed to live so minimally this year. Later in the afternoon we walked down into Randwick and had coffee with our mates. I wanted to get a picture of Erwin holding Parker, but he was too nervous. Hopefully when Erwin moves to the Bozeman in July, Parker will be big enough for him to hold.


Unknown said...

Hip Hip Hooray! I can't wait for the day! It was exciting to see your bags packed! We can't wait...Clare woke up this morning and jumped up and down and talked about Parker's arrival...your too of course! Can't even stand it! On another note...we might be selling the Passat...interested?

Caleigh said...

Are you as excited as we are? This morning at church when I thought of you coming home in two days I started to cry. Hope I can contain myself at the airport;)