Thursday, May 13, 2010

at the coffee shop

Parker and I went on a long walk today and ended up in a little coffee shop. I was the only one there, so all the workers flocked over to me when they saw I had a baby. They all oohed and ahhed over how adorable Parker is. They were amazed when I told them that he is only six weeks... saying that he is so alert and has impeccable head control. I agreed with all their statements and enjoyed the warm glow I was feeling as a proud mother. I am most looking forward to introducing Parker to all of you. My heart will shine with so much joy as all my friends and family swoon over my little bundle of joy. He really is the best, you will see.


Kathy Smith said...

Can't hardly wait, Kelly!!!

Caleigh said...

I agree with the coffee shop ladies. Ever since Parker was born I have thought that he seems older than he is. He has wise eyes. Less than a week....I just can't wait. Every time I see Clare she tells me how many more days are left.