Friday, May 7, 2010

a mover and a shaker

Parker is a mover and a shaker that is for sure. We adore him!


Caleigh said...

I hear that babies make great trainers.
I once heard that if mothers mimicked every move a baby makes they would lose all their pregnancy weight in no time.

Caleigh said...

That first picture looks just like Tyler.

Kathy Smith said...

Kelly - I think he's got some of your dance moves! I'm pretty sure there was an earlier pregnancy post were you had a similar move. He's good, real good!

You Are My Fave said...

In that last one it looks like he's doing an embarrassing dance move. Something that we would most likely do. I love the polka dots.

The Marshall Family said...

He is such a handsome bugger! hope you're feeling MUCH better!!