Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are loving Geography!

Tyler and I have always loved anything geographical, especially globes and maps! We just cannot get enough of them! The only class we ever took together was a geography class at MSU. I got annoyed with him because he never took notes or read the books... but he would still get 100% on all the tests. We want our future home to reflect our love of geography... most of these pictures were found at our bff Melanie's blog.

We really want a pull-down classroom map of Australia for above Parker's crib... We have a classroom map of Africa that my mom gave us (best birthday present ever!), but since Parker is Australian it only seems logical that he should have an Australian map. Maybe we should get Tyler a map of Canada too...


MLE said...

Hey Kelly and Tis!

Someone sent me your way, and I've been catching up a bit on your blog posts. So fun! I also have a thing for maps/globes - I recognize a lot of these from a recent Better Homes and Gardens article. SUCH a cute house!

Anyway, I think you should get one of those cool Australia/New Zealand maps that's upside down - making them the center of the world. Those are the coolest! ;)

Hope you're well. Kelly - you look adorable, of course!


Caleigh said...

You guys are guilty of global swarming.