Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Bargains

Our cousin Carly sent us the best baby book ever! It has all the latest in baby safety, reviews on all baby products and plenty of other baby tidbits we never would have even thought of. Thank you Carly and congratulations on giving birth to a beautiful baby girl Kavya!


Sarah said...

That's a good book! If you're looking for a good read on how to get your baby on a schedule, try "Babywise"
It emphasizes keeping baby on strict feeding schedule and then making sure they are awake at least one hour after they've eaten (except at night) so that they get on a routine nap/ bedtime schedule.

It worked wonders for us!

Kelly Smith said...

well sarah... you see... the trouble for us will be reversing our little dudes sleep schedule from Aussie time to US time... We will move back home when he/she is 6-8 weeks old. any advice for that little trick?