Sunday, December 20, 2009

so frustrating

So... last thursday I went to the uni health service to get my routine glucose tolerance test. Unfortunately my numbers came back a bit high, so Dr. Salmon (our GP) gave me a call and had me head back to the uni health service to pick up the paperwork necessary for the next test in order to determine if I have gestational diabetes. She talked with me very briefly in the hall as she gave me the paperwork to go to another clinic because the uni health service is closed for the holidays... and that although she is on vacation she would give me a call on Tuesday with the results. She also let me know that I needed to fast for the test...

Today, we got up early, walked down to the bus stop, rode the bus to Maroubra and found the clinic she told us to go to. The only problem was that that clinic was no longer. So we searched in Maroubra until we found another clinic. We waited in line, and then were told that they would not give me the test because I had to be on a special three-day diet that I was never informed of. Also, I needed to have an appointment to do this test. I normally do not do well when I have not eaten... let alone when I am pregnant and have not eaten. I lost it.

I get so overwhelmed and tired of everything being so difficult. If we lived in Bozeman, yes we would have been a bit annoyed, but it would have been a 5 minute car ride out of our day. Instead we spent three hours walking, riding the bus, searching, riding the bus and more walking... in the heat, on an empty stomach. My new appointment is on Thursday (yes, Christmas Eve) at 8:30 am. I hate not knowing what is going on, but what can I do but wait another week while praying for the best possible outcome.


Kathy Smith said...

Kelly - so sorry you had such a horrible time - UGGHH. Did Dr. Salmon make your new appt or how did you get another one scheduled? Is there a 3-day diet you will be on prior to going like you were told? Just remember we are all sending good thoughts your way. Love you!

Kelly Smith said...

Dr. Salmon told me it was a walk in clinic. Yes, I need to eat lots of carbohydrates in the next three days... as told by the lady at the desk today... in addition to fasting the night/morning before. I made my own appointment this next time for the first possible opening (which was thursday because I have to do the 3 day diet). It is just so frustrating that I always have to go through 10 hoops before getting anything done.

Caleigh said...

I am so sorry that you had to go through so much, Kelly. I know how frustrating this must be. I hope all goes well on Thursday. We love you and are thinking about you and praying for you all the time.

Sarah said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.
Don't worry Kelly. Everything will be just fine. I understand your frustrations. We're thinking of you and the babe!