Wednesday, December 9, 2009

25 weeks

Parker is now about a pound and a half! His equilibrium is kicking in, so he can feel the difference between being upside down or right-side up. He should have hair on his head by now, and instead of being without pigment... he now has a distinct hair color! Tyler had blond hair when he was born and I had thick black hair. It will be so much fun to find out what Parker has!

When we were at the mall last weekend, we could not help ourselves from buying these cute outfits. They came in a set and seemed so perfect for him! We can not wait to hold and snuggle him... only 15 more weeks!!!


Caleigh said...

I can almost see him now in those cute little outfits. I love seeing your weekly picture updates. You're almost into the double digits.

Kathy Smith said...

At first as I was reading I was thinking the outfits were for you, Kelly - and I was wondering where on earth you managed to find maternity clothes at the mall!!! But then of course, I scrolled down a little farther and see Parker's outfits. You and Tyler must have had fun shopping. It's hard to resist not buying anything or stopping in the baby section when I am in a store. I'm trying to hold off until you all are back home.