Thursday, December 17, 2009

the BEST worst Christmas Ever!

One day when I was home alone... and Tyler was at a conference in Newcastle (2.5 hr train ride north of Sydney) until late at night... I made this Christmas tree out of construction paper and lots of scotch tape! My mother had sent us some stockings... so I also made a fireplace out of an old cereal box, construction paper and tape! And just for fun I also made a colorful wreath for above our bed. I have been meaning to make ornaments and what not for the tree... but have not got around to that yet. I will post pictures whenever that happens. We know that this year Christmas will not feel the same or be the same.... but that we will make it the BEST worst Christmas Ever!


Sarah said...

Kelly! That's beautiful!

Sara said...

That is way impressive!!!! Can you come do that for me too?!

Joyful Momma said...

That is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I am expecting it to show up on Mel's blog...she loves this sort of thing :)
Merry Christmas

Kathy Smith said...

I love it Kelly - you are so creative. Thank you for taking the lemons and making lemonade, for all the little things you do that make life the best it can be not only for you but for Tyler & Parker. You may not think much of it now, but one day you will definitely look back on these times with fond memories because you shared them with someone you love and survived it all together.

Caleigh said...

Kelly, What a great tree! You did an awesome job making your apartment "merry and bright". It is fun to see the presents I mailed, that traveled so far to rest under your tree. You are very creative. I bet Tyler was surpised when he came home.

Erin Hould said...

Kel, you are so creative!! I got worn out and missed my family too when we were overseas and now we love to look back and enjoy our memories! Some days we even want to go back!
You two/three take care. Love ya.

You Are My Fave said...

I'm super impressed. I can't believe that you made this just from construction paper.