Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben!!!

Ben is the best because...

  • he answers to Jimmy
  • he is handy and can fix just about anything
  • he is always up for family movie night
  • he can turn a motorized vehicle, a short rope, and snow into a variety of death-defying adventures
  • he loves a good remodel project
  • he is the pickiest eater I have ever met in my entire life
  • he IS the popcorn colonel (not really, but he did supply our habit for a good length of time)
  • when he comes to visit he always does some home improvement to make our living situation better
  • he always laughs at my silliness
  • his birthday is a worldwide day of celebration
Hope you have an eventful birthday. Love you and miss you!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

28 weeks

We had an appointment with a midwife today to talk about my gestational diabetes. It went very well. I was surprised to learn that I had lost four and a half pounds since the 17th. It feels funny to be on a "diet" while pregnant... but I will do whatever they say for a healthy baby! We are feeling very confident that we can manage my blood sugar level and Parker will come away from this average sized and healthy. I had to learn how to take my blood sugar levels... which made both Tyler and I a little woozy. I am sure we will both get used to it, since I will be taking readings 4 times a day until I give birth.

Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We went to a new beach!

We went to a new beach, Maroubra beach.... It is a local hot spot for surfers. We had fun! I got halfway into the water, but the waves were so big... I got a little nervous and backed out. We laid around and had a wonderfully relaxing afternoon.

Merry Christmas to Parker!

Parker got lots of wonderful prezzies this Christmas! We are so thankful to everyone who sent something our way!!!

Tom Bin "diaper" bag from my mom and papa

baby carrier

blankets, toy and grooming kit

burp rags

lots of onesies and pants

shoes and socks

jammies with bibs

onesies, bibs, toy, socks and diaper sacks

outfits from grandma and grandpa

bath towels, rags and tub foam

Friday, December 25, 2009

the BEST worst Christmas Ever!

This really was a great Christmas. I woke up this morning with no expectations, and to my surprise saw immediately that Santa had come! I shook Tyler, who was still sleeping, with excitement as I jumped out of bed to inspect the two new prezzies under the tree. I do not no how he did it, but it was so magical and truly made my heart shine with joy! It was really windy and rainy most of the day, which was so lovely... making our apartment just a little chilly at times, perfect for snuggling! We were able to video chat with my family and see their excitement as they opened the mystery box we sent them. I will never forget seeing my brother Dan's reaction as he took a taste of the vegemite we sent! We got lots of wonderful prezzies from our family and friends! It was truly the Best worst Christmas that I could have asked for!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

We had heard that the mall had "real reindeer", so we just had to go and check it out! The only problem was that Aussies must not know what real reindeer look like because these were just deer. I still had lots of fun seeing them... most of all watching the children get so excited and ecstatic about feeding and petting them.

We went to the children's mass on our Christmas Eve... it was crazy! Kids running everywhere throughout mass, parents chatting about last minute Chrissy plans. We have never been to a mass like that! What a Christmas experience!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

27 weeks

Parker should weigh about 2 pounds now and be about 13.5 inches long. His lungs are getting stronger by the day... I think he even had the hiccups a few days ago. His brain is also becoming more and more active and his sleep patterns should be beginning to match mine.

Dr. Salmon called today to see what was going on. She checked in to see my new test results, saw that the test was never administered and was confused as to why. She apologized for all of the confusion and explained that she did NOT want me on the high carb diet for the test and seemed very annoyed by the way things had panned out. She was glad that a midwife had called and set up an appointment. She also gave me specific instructions to not eat ANY sweets or sugars and to cut back on fatty foods.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

gestational diabetes

Let me try and explain to you my situation. When we first found out we were pregnant we went to the uni health service and met Dr. Salmon. She is my general practice doctor. She set me up with the hospital midwifery program who will take care of the birth and what not. They explained to us that there are two options for care available to choose from (under "public" care which is what our insurance covers).

The first option consists of participating in a midwife group. For this option, we may or may not ever see the same midwife throughout pregnancy and birth. The other option is called "shared care". For this, we still see Dr. Salmon for half of our appointments and the midwife group for the other half. In both options, any available midwife will deliver Parker. We choose the "shared care" option, so that we would be able to see at least one consistent person throughout our experience. Plus, our appointments at uni health are completely covered by our insurance; appointments at the hospital are only partially covered and they do not bill the insurance directly, so we have to pay up front for all costs. The downside of shared care is that information has to pass through more people... and we do not always hear the same information.

As I explained in my last post, Dr. Salmon ordered my first glucose tolerance test, let me know that my numbers were high, then had me go to another lab for the second test (because the whole uni is shutdown until January 4th). Today, a midwife from the hospital called and told me that she just got the report from my first test. She explained to me that my numbers were so high, that no further tests are needed. They have already classified me as having gestational diabetes. So I do not need to be on a high carbohydrate diet like I was told, on the contrary I need to cut way back on carbs... and all sugars.

The midwife that I talked with today set me up with an appointment at the hospital for the 30th to talk about what this means for us. I will be taught how to take my blood sugar readings, what foods I should avoid... and what to eat. I am disappointed... I do not want Parker coming out huge, and I for sure do not want to have a Cesarean. The midwife was very nice and told me that this happens to the healthiest of mothers, and has nothing to do with how I have been eating or how much weight I have gained. I wish my appointment was this week... but I suppose it is Christmas and people take time off.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

so frustrating

So... last thursday I went to the uni health service to get my routine glucose tolerance test. Unfortunately my numbers came back a bit high, so Dr. Salmon (our GP) gave me a call and had me head back to the uni health service to pick up the paperwork necessary for the next test in order to determine if I have gestational diabetes. She talked with me very briefly in the hall as she gave me the paperwork to go to another clinic because the uni health service is closed for the holidays... and that although she is on vacation she would give me a call on Tuesday with the results. She also let me know that I needed to fast for the test...

Today, we got up early, walked down to the bus stop, rode the bus to Maroubra and found the clinic she told us to go to. The only problem was that that clinic was no longer. So we searched in Maroubra until we found another clinic. We waited in line, and then were told that they would not give me the test because I had to be on a special three-day diet that I was never informed of. Also, I needed to have an appointment to do this test. I normally do not do well when I have not eaten... let alone when I am pregnant and have not eaten. I lost it.

I get so overwhelmed and tired of everything being so difficult. If we lived in Bozeman, yes we would have been a bit annoyed, but it would have been a 5 minute car ride out of our day. Instead we spent three hours walking, riding the bus, searching, riding the bus and more walking... in the heat, on an empty stomach. My new appointment is on Thursday (yes, Christmas Eve) at 8:30 am. I hate not knowing what is going on, but what can I do but wait another week while praying for the best possible outcome.

Friday, December 18, 2009

OKAY! who sent the beef jerky?

We got a letter in the mail saying that someone had sent us beef jerky... and that they needed to destroy it in case of contamination and disease. However, they did not tell us who sent it. They gave us 2 options: we can pay $42.50 and have the jerky sent back to the sender (whoever that might be) or let them destroy it for free. I am so sorry announce that the jerky will be no more....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

the BEST worst Christmas Ever!

One day when I was home alone... and Tyler was at a conference in Newcastle (2.5 hr train ride north of Sydney) until late at night... I made this Christmas tree out of construction paper and lots of scotch tape! My mother had sent us some stockings... so I also made a fireplace out of an old cereal box, construction paper and tape! And just for fun I also made a colorful wreath for above our bed. I have been meaning to make ornaments and what not for the tree... but have not got around to that yet. I will post pictures whenever that happens. We know that this year Christmas will not feel the same or be the same.... but that we will make it the BEST worst Christmas Ever!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

26 weeks!

This is my last week in my 2nd trimester... I can already tell that I am moving into my 3rd trimester. Nausea, back pain and extreme sleepiness are all returning. It is really becoming evident that Parker is growing steadily because each day I feel a little bigger. This morning I woke up with the unpleasant sight of stretch marks on my belly. I am feeling really positive however, and am getting so excited for the arrival of our little buddy! I have been walking to the library, not only to enjoy the air con, but also to search the internet for fun nursery finds. Most of the things I find are high-end and unattainable... but they are fun to look at and dream about. I will be posting some of my favorite finds in the weeks and months to come!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

tree lighting!

Tyler and I went to the Sydney Darling Harbor annual tree lighting event! First there was a family concert with lots of jingles and joy! Then the tree was lit and Santa made an appearance! Finally we saw the best fireworks show of our lives! The only disappointment of the night was that the tree was not a tree... it was a metal structure with lights on it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

manly beach

We went to Manly Beach, which was named after the original habitants who were thought to look quite manly! It was an amazing beach with very fine and enjoyable sand! You could easily walk out into the surf and walk in the water without getting soaked by an unexpected wave. The only problem was that it just happened to be storming while we were there. We wanted to spend more time on the beach but the lightning made us think otherwise, so we went to some beach shops instead. And we found my bar... but of course we did not go into it.