Saturday, April 3, 2010

Parker Day 3

What can I say... my boys are just the cutest! Things are going well, Parker has been having big feeds followed by long naps. If only I could turn my brain off and nap when he is napping. We gave him his first bath today. It was a lot more challenging than we expected because he was not a fan. We will have to get pics of that next time. It broke our hearts to see him so upset over the whole experience. Afterwards we got him snuggled up in his bobcat gear and he had a good cuddle with his papa! 


Caleigh said...

How cute is that!
Kelly, I couldn't sleep very well after I had babies either. I was just too excited.

Unknown said...

Oh my he is so darn cute...and look at the Bobcat Blue...I remember how people would say "sleep when the baby sleeps" and I would think Yeah I am supposed to do that..I was way to excited and wanted to watch them every glad things are going so well. Love you all.

meghanthemoose said...

He is such a little cuddle bug. I want to hold him so badly!

You Are My Fave said...

I'm kind of thinking he looks like Tyler. I love snuggly babies.