Wednesday, February 10, 2010

34 weeks

Well, I had an interesting day to start my 34th week of pregnancy! I had an appointment with my GP at the uni as a regular check-up for the 34th week at 8:30 this morning. When she checked my urine she found protein in it (a symptom of pre-eclampsia)... so she called the hospital with her concern.

We were headed to the hospital anyway because we also had a 9:30 appointment with a different doctor for our gestational diabetes check-up, so we were told to swing by the delivery suite when we were done to have the on-call doctor check me out. 

When we arrived in the delivery suite they set us up in our own room... just as if we were having Parker for real. They checked my blood pressure, urine, and blood several times. They also kept us all day for fetal monitoring and observation. It was really boring because they do not have TVs in the rooms, so I kept on falling asleep. The midwives kept on asking if I wanted to get under the covers, but I was really enjoying the air conditioning! I usually cannot take rests during the day because of the heat. 

Everything came back normal... we are both looking healthy and well! I did not feel scared or worried at all throughout the day. I think that I have just grown accustomed to the fact that when we have a doctor's appointment something will come back funny and we will surly be sent through the rigamarole. 

It is exciting to know that the next time we are in the delivery suite we will be having Parker! We will know to bring some tunes, so that it is not so quiet... 

Tomorrow we have an ultrasound... so we should have some new pictures to post of Parker! 

1 comment:

Caleigh said...

I'm glad that everything worked out okay. I'm also glad you had time to rest in a nice cool bed. Your calmness is wonderful and a sign that you know everything will be fine. I'm proud of you. Can't wait to see Parker's new pictures.