Why don't you have screens on any of your windows? You have all kinds of bugs and deadly spiders and mischievous lizards that it would seem like a logical choice. Last Tuesday, it was a very, very hot day (100+F). At around 8:30pm I spotted a bug on the couch, while Tyler got up to kill it I spotted two more bugs on the couch. Soon we found the same type of bug (maybe a baby cockroach about the size of a large ant) all over our apartment. Over the next hour we must have killed over 50 of these creatures. They were everywhere; the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom floor, the bathtub, everywhere!
The night only got worse from there. We weren't about to open our windows before bed for fear of more bugs entering. I woke up in the middle of the night panicking because it had gotten so hot, I felt like I couldn't breathe! We had the swamp cooler on full blast (or should I say glorified fan), I had a cold wash cloth and a bag of ice... nothing could cool me down. After waking Tyler with my hyperventilation, we opened two windows and each stood guard watching for bugs for about an hour. The apartment finally cooled off and we went back to sleep.
All of this could have been prevented with a simple mesh miracle we in America like to call window screens.
P.S. We haven't seen a single bug in our apartment since the invasion that happened that night!
P.S. We haven't seen a single bug in our apartment since the invasion that happened that night!
I'm thinking you should write a sci-fi or horror book "The Black Bug Invasion". I hope you have gotten better sleep since that bugful night.
that's so scary!!! good thing they are all gone! looks like it's time for a trip to the hardware store for some make-shift screens!
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