Saturday, July 11, 2009

the treasure hunt

my mother sent me a package for my upcoming birthday. she told me that it was going to come on a certain day and i was to wait for it because it needed my signature. so the day came and i got up early. i waited and waited. around noon, i went outside to see if the mail had come... it was a rainy day. i found a note in my mailbox. it said that my package came and i was not home. the note said that they came at 7:30am. not only was i home, but tyler was home as well. I KNOW THAT THEY DID NOT KNOCK ON MY DOOR. so when it says "sorry we missed you" on the top of the note, they really must mean... "sorry you were not standing in front of your mail box on a rainy day, when we brought your birthday surprise". so as quick as i could i showered and got ready and marched as fast as i could to my post (they don't call them post offices... only posts) which was a 30 min walk. i was so proud as i walked up and handed my ticket to the post lady. "where do you live," she said "middle street" I replied. she shook her head with disappointment... "you are in Randwick, you need to go to the shopping center in Kingsford". i did not know there was a shopping center in kingsford, but i had seen a post near the university from the bus, so i walked to that post. it was not the right one. i was lost. i went back to the uni and got tyler. we looked on the map. we walked to kingsford. we found a shopping center. it was not the correct one. it was 4:10 and I was about to cry, because i was sure they must close at 4 because all the shops close at 4 here. BUT, i was not going to give up.  i found a lady in the parking lot and asked, she pointed us in the correct direction... and we found it! it was open until 5:00 and we made it!!! I AM SO GLAD THAT THERE WAS A TREASURE AT THE END OF MY HUNT!!! the most annoying thing was that there was a space on the card that was for indicating what post to pick up your package at, and it was blank. 


Kathy Smith said...


Caleigh said...

Kelly, I am so sorry that you had to go through so much trouble and frustration to get your package. You are a great problem solver, though. Congratulations on finding the treasure.