cooking our first meal!

the mess

walking up the big hill

at a bus stop in the rain
The last few days have been really difficult. We were so excited to move into our apartment and start living life! We did not expect for things to be so difficult. Our apartment is not heated... so when it is 55 or 45 degrees outside it is the same on the inside. Our water is only scorching hot or freezing cold. Showering is frustrating and nearly impossible. It takes twice as long, because you have to choreograph a dance in and out of the water, switching between hot and cold for the 30 seconds of warm water before it switches again to hot or cold. And don't even think that going to the bathroom is easy. The toilet flushes with such power that the water jumps out of the bowl. You have to flush and run, literally. I have a toilet rag to wipe the seat before I sit as to avoid a wet toilet water bottom. And we have nothing. So we try and find a store near by. We spent hours walking and found nothing. Yes, there could have been a store very close, but the frustration of not finding anything got to us. SO, we made the long walk up and down an enormous hill to the bus stop (about a mile walk). Got on the bus. Road to the CBD (the city) and went to Coles. 4 times we made the trip with what we could carry. We got a grocery caddy. It is foolish of me to have thought that life in Australia was going to be a day at the beach. I am not complaining (and i really debated if i should or not) to get sympathy. I do not need anyone to feel sorry about our situation. I am writing so that, at the end of the year, I can look back and see how far I have come from the beginning. Tyler and I decided to go on this adventure so that we could learn, grow, and become grownups; the child that I am was simply naive enough to think I would not struggle.